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    config <directive> [: <value>]

Config Directive Description
config alert_with_interface_name Appends interface name to alert (snort -I).
config alertfile: <filename> Sets the alerts output file.
config asn1: <max-nodes> Specifies the maximum number of nodes to track when doing ASN1 decoding. See Section 3.5.32 for more information and examples.
config autogenerate_preprocessor
If Snort was configured to enable decoder and preprocessor rules, this option will cause Snort to revert back to it's original behavior of alerting if the decoder or preprocessor generates an event.
config bpf_file: <filename> Specifies BPF filters (snort -F).
config checksum_drop: <types> Types of packets to drop if invalid checksums. Values: none, noip, notcp, noicmp, noudp, ip, tcp, udp, icmp or all (only applicable in inline mode and for packets checked per checksum_mode config option).
config checksum_mode: <types> Types of packets to calculate checksums. Values: none, noip, notcp, noicmp, noudp, ip, tcp, udp, icmp or all.
config chroot: <dir> Chroots to specified dir (snort -t).
config classification: <class> See Table 3.2 for a list of classifications.
config cs_dir: <path> configure snort to provide a Unix socket in the path that can be used to issue commands to the running process. See Section 1.10 for more details.
config daemon Forks as a daemon (snort -D).
config decode_data_link Decodes Layer2 headers (snort -e).
config default_rule_state: <state> Global configuration directive to enable or disable the loading of rules into the detection engine. Default (with or without directive) is enabled. Specify disabled to disable loading rules.
config daq: <type> Selects the type of DAQ to instantiate. The DAQ with the highest version of the given type is selected if there are multiple of the same type (this includes any built-in DAQs).
config daq_mode: <mode> Select the DAQ mode: passive, inline, or read-file. Not all DAQs support modes. See the DAQ distro README for possible DAQ modes or list DAQ capabilities for a brief summary.
config daq_var: <name=value> Set a DAQ specific variable. Snort just passes this information down to the DAQ. See the DAQ distro README for possible DAQ variables.
config daq_dir: <dir> Tell Snort where to look for available dynamic DAQ modules. This can be repeated. The selected DAQ will be the one with the latest version.
config daq_list: [<dir>] Tell Snort to dump basic DAQ capabilities and exit. You can optionally specify a directory to include any dynamic DAQs from that directory. You can also preceed this option with extra DAQ directory options to look in multiple directories.
config decode_esp: [enable | disable] Enable or disable the decoding of Encapsulated Security Protocol (ESP). This is disabled by default. Some networks use ESP for authentication without encryption, allowing their content to be inspected. Encrypted ESP may cause some false positives if this option is enabled.
config detection: [search-method <method>] Select type of fast pattern matcher algorithm to use.
  • search-method <method>
    • Queued match search methods - Matches are queued until the fast pattern matcher is finished with the payload, then evaluated. This was found to generally increase performance through fewer cache misses (evaluating each rule would generally blow away the fast pattern matcher state in the cache).
      • ac and ac-q - Aho-Corasick Full (high memory, best performance).
      • ac-bnfa and ac-bnfa-q - Aho-Corasick Binary NFA (low memory, high performance)
      • lowmem and lowmem-q - Low Memory Keyword Trie (low memory, moderate performance)
      • ac-split - Aho-Corasick Full with ANY-ANY port group evaluated separately (low memory, high performance). Note this is shorthand for search-method ac, split-any-any
      • intel-cpm - Intel CPM library (must have compiled Snort with location of libraries to enable this)
    • No queue search methods - The "nq" option specifies that matches should not be queued and evaluated as they are found.
      • ac-nq - Aho-Corasick Full (high memory, best performance).
      • ac-bnfa-nq - Aho-Corasick Binary NFA (low memory, high performance). This is the default search method if none is specified.
      • lowmem-nq - Low Memory Keyword Trie (low memory, moderate performance)
    • Other search methods (the above are considered superior to these)
      • ac-std - Aho-Corasick Standard (high memory, high performance)
      • acs - Aho-Corasick Sparse (high memory, moderate performance)
      • ac-banded - Aho-Corasick Banded (high memory, moderate performance)
      • ac-sparsebands - Aho-Corasick Sparse-Banded (high memory, moderate performance)
config detection: [split-any-any] [search-optimize] [max-pattern-len <int>] Other options that affect fast pattern matching.
  • split-any-any
    • A memory/performance tradeoff. By default, ANY-ANY port rules are added to every non ANY-ANY port group so that only one port group rule evaluation needs to be done per packet. Not putting the ANY-ANY port rule group into every other port group can significantly reduce the memory footprint of the fast pattern matchers if there are many ANY-ANY port rules. But doing so may require two port group evaluations per packet - one for the specific port group and one for the ANY-ANY port group, thus potentially reducing performance. This option is generic and can be used with any search-method but was specifically intended for use with the ac search-method where the memory footprint is significantly reduced though overall fast pattern performance is better than ac-bnfa. Of note is that the lower memory footprint can also increase performance through fewer cache misses. Default is not to split the ANY-ANY port group.
  • search-optimize
    • Optimizes fast pattern memory when used with search-method ac or ac-split by dynamically determining the size of a state based on the total number of states. When used with ac-bnfa, some fail-state resolution will be attempted, potentially increasing performance. Default is not to optimize.
  • max-pattern-len <integer>
    • This is a memory optimization that specifies the maximum length of a pattern that will be put in the fast pattern matcher. Patterns longer than this length will be truncated to this length before inserting into the pattern matcher. Useful when there are very long contents being used and truncating the pattern won't diminish the uniqueness of the patterns. Note that this may cause more false positive rule evaluations, i.e. rules that will be evaluated because a fast pattern was matched, but eventually fail, however CPU cache can play a part in performance so a smaller memory footprint of the fast pattern matcher can potentially increase performance. Default is to not set a maximum pattern length.
config detection: [no_stream_inserts] [max_queue_events <int>] [enable-single-rule-group] [bleedover-port-limit] Other detection engine options.
  • no_stream_inserts
    • Specifies that stream inserted packets should not be evaluated against the detection engine. This is a potential performance improvement with the idea that the stream rebuilt packet will contain the payload in the inserted one so the stream inserted packet doesn't need to be evaluated. Default is to inspect stream inserts.
  • max_queue_events <integer>
    • Specifies the maximum number of matching fast-pattern states to queue per packet. Default is 5 events.
  • enable-single-rule-group
    • Put all rules into one port group. Not recommended. Default is not to do this.
  • bleedover-port-limit
    • The maximum number of source or destination ports designated in a rule before the rule is considered an ANY-ANY port group rule. Default is 1024.
config detection: [debug] [debug-print-nocontent-rule-tests] [debug-print-rule-group-build-details] [debug-print-rule-groups-uncompiled] [debug-print-rule-groups-compiled] [debug-print-fast-pattern] [bleedover-warnings-enabled] Options for detection engine debugging.
  • debug
    • Prints fast pattern information for a particular port group.
  • debug-print-nocontent-rule-tests
    • Prints port group information during packet evaluation.
  • debug-print-rule-group-build-details
    • Prints port group information during port group compilation.
  • debug-print-rule-groups-uncompiled
    • Prints uncompiled port group information.
  • debug-print-rule-groups-compiled
    • Prints compiled port group information.
  • debug-print-fast-pattern
    • For each rule with fast pattern content, prints information about the content being used for the fast pattern matcher.
  • bleedover-warnings-enabled
    • Prints a warning if the number of source or destination ports used in a rule exceed the bleedover-port-limit forcing the rule to be moved into the ANY-ANY port group.
config disable_decode_alerts Turns off the alerts generated by the decode phase of Snort.
config disable_inline_init_failopen Disables failopen thread that allows inline traffic to pass while Snort is starting up. Only useful if Snort was configured with -enable-inline-init-failopen. (snort -disable-inline-init-failopen)
config disable_ipopt_alerts Disables IP option length validation alerts.
config disable_tcpopt_alerts Disables option length validation alerts.
Turns off alerts generated by experimental TCP options.
config disable_tcpopt_obsolete_alerts Turns off alerts generated by obsolete TCP options.
config disable_tcpopt_ttcp_alerts Turns off alerts generated by T/TCP options.
config disable_ttcp_alerts Turns off alerts generated by T/TCP options.
config dump_chars_only Turns on character dumps (snort -C).
config dump_payload Dumps application layer (snort -d).
config dump_payload_verbose Dumps raw packet starting at link layer (snort -X).
config enable_decode_drops Enables the dropping of bad packets identified by decoder (only applicable in inline mode).
config enable_decode_oversized_alerts Enable alerting on packets that have headers containing length fields for which the value is greater than the length of the packet.
config enable_decode_oversized_drops Enable dropping packets that have headers containing length fields for which the value is greater than the length of the packet. enable_decode_oversized_alerts must also be enabled for this to be effective (only applicable in inline mode).
config enable_deep_teredo_inspection Snort's packet decoder only decodes Teredo (IPv6 over UDP over IPv4) traffic on UDP port 3544. This option makes Snort decode Teredo traffic on all UDP ports.
config enable_ipopt_drops Enables the dropping of bad packets with bad/truncated IP options (only applicable in inline mode).
config enable_mpls_multicast Enables support for MPLS multicast. This option is needed when the network allows MPLS multicast traffic. When this option is off and MPLS multicast traffic is detected, Snort will generate an alert. By default, it is off.
config enable_mpls_overlapping_ip Enables support for overlapping IP addresses in an MPLS network. In a normal situation, where there are no overlapping IP addresses, this configuration option should not be turned on. However, there could be situations where two private networks share the same IP space and different MPLS labels are used to differentiate traffic from the two VPNs. In such a situation, this configuration option should be turned on. By default, it is off.
config enable_tcpopt_drops Enables the dropping of bad packets with bad/truncated TCP option (only applicable in inline mode).
Enables the dropping of bad packets with experimental TCP option. (only applicable in inline mode).
config enable_tcpopt_obsolete_drops Enables the dropping of bad packets with obsolete TCP option. (only applicable in inline mode).
config enable_tcpopt_ttcp_drops Enables the dropping of bad packets with T/TCP option. (only applicable in inline mode).
config enable_ttcp_drops Enables the dropping of bad packets with T/TCP option. (only applicable in inline mode).
config event_filter: memcap <bytes> Set global memcap in bytes for thresholding. Default is 1048576 bytes (1 megabyte).
config event_queue: [max_queue <num>] [log <num>] [order_events <order>] Specifies conditions about Snort's event queue. You can use the following options:

  • max_queue $<$integer$>$ (max events supported)
  • log $<$integer$>$ (number of events to log)
  • order_events [priority$\vert$content_length] (how to order events within the queue)

See Section 2.4.4 for more information and examples.

config flowbits_size: <num-bits> Specifies the maximum number of flowbit tags that can be used within a rule set. The default is 1024 bits and maximum is 2048.
config ignore_ports: <proto> <port-list> Specifies ports to ignore (useful for ignoring noisy NFS traffic). Specify the protocol (TCP, UDP, IP, or ICMP), followed by a list of ports. Port ranges are supported.
config interface: <iface> Sets the network interface (snort -i).
config ipv6_frag: [bsd_icmp_frag_alert on|off] [, bad_ipv6_frag_alert on|off] [, frag_timeout <secs>] [, max_frag_sessions <max-track>] The following options can be used:

  • bsd_icmp_frag_alert on|off (Specify whether or not to alert. Default is on)

  • bad_ipv6_frag_alert on|off (Specify whether or not to alert. Default is on)

  • frag_timeout $<$integer$>$ (Specify amount of time in seconds to timeout first frag in hash table)

  • max_frag_sessions $<$integer$>$ (Specify the number of fragments to track in the hash table)

config logdir: <dir> Sets the logdir (snort -l).
config log_ipv6_extra_data Set Snort to log IPv6 source and destination addresses as unified2 extra data events.
config max_attribute_hosts: <hosts> Sets a limit on the maximum number of hosts to read from the attribute table. Minimum value is 32 and the maximum is 524288 (512k). The default is 10000. If the number of hosts in the attribute table exceeds this value, an error is logged and the remainder of the hosts are ignored. This option is only supported with a Host Attribute Table (see section 2.7).
config max_attribute_services_per_host: <hosts> Sets a per host limit on the maximum number of services to read from the attribute table. Minimum value is 1 and the maximum is 65535. The default is 10. For a given host, if the number of services in the attribute table exceeds this value, an error is logged and the remainder of the services for that host are ignored. This option is only supported with a Host Attribute Table (see section 2.7).
config max_mpls_labelchain_len: <num-hdrs> Sets a Snort-wide limit on the number of MPLS headers a packet can have. Its default value is -1, which means that there is no limit on label chain length.
config min_ttl: <ttl> Sets a Snort-wide minimum ttl to ignore all traffic.
config mpls_payload_type: ipv4|ipv6|ethernet Sets a Snort-wide MPLS payload type. In addition to ipv4, ipv6 and ethernet are also valid options. The default MPLS payload type is ipv4
config no_promisc Disables promiscuous mode (snort -p).
config nolog Disables logging. Note: Alerts will still occur. (snort -N).
config nopcre Disables pcre pattern matching.
config obfuscate Obfuscates IP Addresses (snort -O).
config order: <order> Changes the order that rules are evaluated, eg: pass alert log activation.
config pcre_match_limit: $<$integer$>$ Restricts the amount of backtracking a given PCRE option. For example, it will limit the number of nested repeats within a pattern. A value of -1 allows for unlimited PCRE, up to the PCRE library compiled limit (around 10 million). A value of 0 results in no PCRE evaluation. The snort default value is 1500.
config pcre_match_limit_recursion: $<$integer$>$ Restricts the amount of stack used by a given PCRE option. A value of -1 allows for unlimited PCRE, up to the PCRE library compiled limit (around 10 million). A value of 0 results in no PCRE evaluation. The snort default value is 1500. This option is only useful if the value is less than the pcre_match_limit
config pkt_count: <N> Exits after N packets (snort -n).
config policy_version: $<$base-version-string$>$ [$<$binding-version-string$>$] Supply versioning information to configuration files. Base version should be a string in all configuration files including included ones. In addition, binding version must be in any file configured with config binding. This option is used to avoid race conditions when modifying and loading a configuration within a short time span - before Snort has had a chance to load a previous configuration.
config profile_preprocs Print statistics on preprocessor performance. See Section 2.5.2 for more details.
config profile_rules Print statistics on rule performance. See Section 2.5.1 for more details.
config quiet Disables banner and status reports (snort -q). NOTE: The command line switch -q takes effect immediately after processing the command line parameters, whereas using config quiet in snort.conf takes effect when the configuration line in snort.conf is parsed. That may occur after other configuration settings that result in output to console or syslog.
config read_bin_file: <pcap> Specifies a pcap file to use (instead of reading from network), same effect as -r $<$tf$>$ option.
config reference: <ref> Adds a new reference system to Snort, eg: myref
config reference_net <cidr> For IP obfuscation, the obfuscated net will be used if the packet contains an IP address in the reference net. Also used to determine how to set up the logging directory structure for the session post detection rule option and ASCII output plugin - an attempt is made to name the log directories after the IP address that is not in the reference net.
config response: [attempts <count>] [, device <dev>] Set the number of strafing attempts per injected response and/or the device, such as eth0, from which to send responses. These options may appear in any order but must be comma separated. The are intended for passive mode.
config set_gid: <gid> Changes GID to specified GID (snort -g).
config set_uid: <uid> Sets UID to $<$id$>$ (snort -u).
config show_year Shows year in timestamps (snort -y).
config snaplen: <bytes> Set the snaplength of packet, same effect as -P $<$snaplen$>$ or -snaplen $<$snaplen$>$ options.
config so_rule_memcap: <bytes> Set global memcap in bytes for so rules that dynamically allocate memory for storing session data in the stream preprocessor. A value of 0 disables the memcap. Default is 0. Maximum value is the maximum value an unsigned 32 bit integer can hold which is 4294967295 or 4GB.
config stateful Sets assurance mode for stream (stream is established).
config tagged_packet_limit: <max-tag> When a metric other than packets is used in a tag option in a rule, this option sets the maximum number of packets to be tagged regardless of the amount defined by the other metric. See Section 3.7.5 on using the tag option when writing rules for more details. The default value when this option is not configured is 256 packets. Setting this option to a value of 0 will disable the packet limit.
config threshold: memcap <bytes> Set global memcap in bytes for thresholding. Default is 1048576 bytes (1 megabyte). (This is deprecated. Use config event_filter instead.)
config umask: <umask> Sets umask when running (snort -m).
config utc Uses UTC instead of local time for timestamps (snort -U).
config verbose Uses verbose logging to STDOUT (snort -v).
config vlan_agnostic Causes Snort to ignore vlan headers for the purposes of connection and frag tracking. This option is only valid in the base configuration when using multiple configurations, and the default is off.
config address_space_agnostic Causes Snort to ignore DAQ address space ID for the purposes of connection and frag tracking. This option is only valid in the base configuration when using multiple configurations, and the default is off.
config policy_mode: tap|inline|inline_test Sets the policy mode to either passive, inline or inline_test.
config tunnel_verdicts: gtp|teredo By default, whitelist and blacklist verdicts are handled internally by Snort for GTP and Teredo encapsulated traffic. This means Snort actually gives the DAQ a pass or block verdict instead. This is to workaround cases where the DAQ would apply the verdict to the whole tunnel instead of the individual session within the tunnel. If your DAQ decodes GTP or Teredo correctly, setting this config will allow the whitelist or blacklist verdict to go to the DAQ. There is a modest performance boost by doing this where possible since Snort won't see the remaining packets on the session.

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Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08