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    alert tcp any any -> any 25 (msg:"SMTP expn root"; flags:A+; \
        content:"expn root"; nocase; classtype:attempted-recon;)

Attack classifications defined by Snort reside in the classification.config file. The file uses the following syntax:

    config classification:  <class name>,<class description>,<default priority>

These attack classifications are listed in Table 3.2. They are currently ordered with 4 default priorities. A priority of 1 (high) is the most severe and 4 (very low) is the least severe.

Table 3.2: Snort Default Classifications
Classtype Description Priority
attempted-admin Attempted Administrator Privilege Gain high
attempted-user Attempted User Privilege Gain high
inappropriate-content Inappropriate Content was Detected high
policy-violation Potential Corporate Privacy Violation high
shellcode-detect Executable code was detected high
successful-admin Successful Administrator Privilege Gain high
successful-user Successful User Privilege Gain high
trojan-activity A Network Trojan was detected high
unsuccessful-user Unsuccessful User Privilege Gain high
web-application-attack Web Application Attack high
attempted-dos Attempted Denial of Service medium
attempted-recon Attempted Information Leak medium
bad-unknown Potentially Bad Traffic medium
default-login-attempt Attempt to login by a default username and password medium
denial-of-service Detection of a Denial of Service Attack medium
misc-attack Misc Attack medium
non-standard-protocol Detection of a non-standard protocol or event medium
rpc-portmap-decode Decode of an RPC Query medium
successful-dos Denial of Service medium
successful-recon-largescale Large Scale Information Leak medium
successful-recon-limited Information Leak medium
suspicious-filename-detect A suspicious filename was detected medium
suspicious-login An attempted login using a suspicious username was detected medium
system-call-detect A system call was detected medium
unusual-client-port-connection A client was using an unusual port medium
web-application-activity Access to a potentially vulnerable web application medium
icmp-event Generic ICMP event low
misc-activity Misc activity low
network-scan Detection of a Network Scan low
not-suspicious Not Suspicious Traffic low
protocol-command-decode Generic Protocol Command Decode low
string-detect A suspicious string was detected low
unknown Unknown Traffic low
tcp-connection A TCP connection was detected very low

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Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08