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The preprocessor uses GID 140 to register events.
SID Description
1 If the memory cap is reached and the preprocessor is configured to alert, this alert will be created.
2 Request URI is required. When Request URI is empty, this alert will be created.
3 The Request URI is larger than the defined length in configuration.
4 When Call-ID is empty, this alert will be created.
5 The Call-ID is larger than the defined length in configuration.
6 The sequence e number value MUST be expressible as a 32-bit unsigned integer and MUST be less than $2^{31}$.
7 The request name in the CSeq is larger than the defined length in configuration.
8 From field is empty.
9 From field is larger than the defined length in configuration.
10 To field is empty.
11 To field is larger than the defined length in configuration.
12 Via filed is empty.
13 Via filed is larger than the defined length in configuration.
14 Contact is empty, but it is required non-empty for the message.
15 The Contact is larger than the defined length in configuration.
16 The content length is larger than the defined length in configuration or is negative.
17 There are multiple requests in a single packet. Old SIP protocol supports multiple sip messages within one packet.
18 There are inconsistencies between Content-Length in SIP header and actual body data.
19 Request name is invalid in response.
20 Authenticated invite message received, but no challenge from server received. This is the case of InviteReplay billing attack.
21 Authenticated invite message received, but session information has been changed. This is different from re-INVITE, where the dialog has been established. and authenticated. This is can prevent FakeBusy billing attack.
22 Response status code is not a 3 digit number.
23 Content type header field is required if the message body is not empty.
24 SIP version other than 2.0, 1.0, and 1.1 is invalid
25 Mismatch in Method of request and the CSEQ header
26 The method is unknown
27 The number of dialogs in the stream session exceeds the maximal value.

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Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08