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The preprocessor configuration name is sip.
    preprocessor sip
Option syntax
Option Argument Required Default
disabled NONE NO OFF
max_sessions <max_sessions> NO max_sessions 10000
max_dialogs <max_dialogs> NO max_dialogs 4
ports <ports> NO ports { 5060 5061 }
methods <methods> NO methods { invite cancel ack bye register options }
max_uri_len <max_uri_len> NO max_uri_len 256
max_call_id_len <max_call_id_len> NO max_call_id_len 256
max_requestName_len <max_requestName_len> NO max_requestName_len 20
max_from_len <max_from_len> NO max_from_len 256
max_to_len <max_to_len> NO max_to_len 256
max_via_len <max_via_len> NO max_via_len 1024
max_contact_len <max_contact_len> NO max_contact_len 256
max_content_len <max_content_len> NO max_content_len 1024
ignore_call_channel NONE NO OFF
     max_sessions        = 1024-4194303
     max_dialogs         = 1-4194303
     methods             = "invite"|"cancel"|"ack"|"bye"|"register"| "options"\
                           |"refer" |"subscribe"|"update"|"join"|"info"|"message"\                
     max_uri_len         = 0-65535
     max_call_id_len     = 0-65535
     max_requestName_len = 0-65535
     max_from_len        = 0-65535
     max_to_len          = 0-65535
     max_via_len         = 0-65535
     max_contact_len     = 0-65535
     max_content_len     = 0-65535
Option explanations
SIP dynamic preprocessor can be enabled/disabled through configuration. By default this value is turned off. When the preprocessor is disabled, only the max_sessions option is applied when specified with the configuration.
This specifies the maximum number of sessions that can be allocated. Those sessions are stream sessions, so they are bounded by maximum number of stream sessions. Default is 10000.
This specifies the maximum number of dialogs within one stream session. If exceeded, the oldest dialog will be dropped. Default is 4.
This specifies on what ports to check for SIP messages. Typically, this will include 5060, 5061.
    ports { <port> [<port>< ... >] }
    ports { 5060 5061 }
Note: there are spaces before and after `{' and `}'.
This specifies on what methods to check for SIP messages: (1) invite, (2) cancel, (3) ack, (4) bye, (5) register, (6) options, (7) refer, (8) subscribe, (9) update (10) join (11) info (12) message (13) notify (14) prack. Note: those 14 methods are up to date list (Feb. 2011). New methods can be added to the list. Up to 32 methods supported.

      methods { <method-list> }
      method-list = method|method method-list
      methods     = "invite"|"cancel"|"ack"|"bye"|"register"| "options"\
   methods { invite cancel ack bye register options }
   methods { invite cancel ack bye register options information }
Note: there are spaces before and after `{' and `}'.
This specifies the maximum Request URI field size. If the Request URI field is greater than this size, an alert is generated. Default is set to 256. The allowed range for this option is 0 - 65535. ``0'' means never alert.

This specifies the maximum Call-ID field size. If the Call-ID field is greater than this size, an alert is generated. Default is set to 256. The allowed range for this option is 0 - 65535. ``0'' means never alert.

This specifies the maximum request name size that is part of the CSeq ID. If the request name is greater than this size, an alert is generated. Default is set to 20. The allowed range for this option is 0 - 65535. ``0'' means never alert.

This specifies the maximum From field size. If the From field is greater than this size, an alert is generated. Default is set to 256. The allowed range for this option is 0 - 65535. ``0'' means never alert.

This specifies the maximum To field size. If the To field is greater than this size, an alert is generated. Default is set to 256. The allowed range for this option is 0 - 65535. ``0'' means never alert.

This specifies the maximum Via field size. If the Via field is greater than this size, an alert is generated. Default is set to 1024. The allowed range for this option is 0 - 65535. ``0'' means never alert.
This specifies the maximum Contact field size. If the Contact field is greater than this size, an alert is generated. Default is set to 256. The allowed range for this option is 0 - 65535. ``0'' means never alert.
This specifies the maximum content length of the message body. If the content length is greater than this number, an alert is generated. Default is set to 1024. The allowed range for this option is 0 - 65535. ``0'' means never alert.
This enables the support for ignoring audio/video data channel (through Stream API). By default, this is disabled.

Option examples
     max_sessions 30000
     ports { 5060 5061 }
     methods { invite cancel ack bye register options }
     methods { invite cancel ack bye register options information }
     max_uri_len 1024
     max_call_id_len 1024
     max_requestName_len 10
     max_from_len 1024
     max_to_len 1024
     max_via_len 1024
     max_contact_len 1024
     max_content_len 1024

Configuration examples

     preprocessor sip
     preprocessor sip: max_sessions 500000
     preprocessor sip: max_contact_len 512, max_sessions 300000, methods { invite \
                       cancel ack bye register options } , ignore_call_channel
     preprocessor sip: ports { 5060 49848 36780 10270 }, max_call_id_len 200, \
                      max_from_len 100, max_to_len 200, max_via_len 1000, \
                      max_requestName_len 50, max_uri_len 100, ignore_call_channel,\
                      max_content_len 1000
     preprocessor sip: disabled
     preprocessor sip: ignore_call_channel

Default configuration

     preprocessor sip

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Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08