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afpacket functions similar to the memory mapped pcap DAQ but no external library is required:

    ./snort --daq afpacket -i <device>
            [--daq-var buffer_size_mb=<#MB>]
            [--daq-var debug]

If you want to run afpacket in inline mode, you must set device to one or more interface pairs, where each member of a pair is separated by a single colon and each pair is separated by a double colon like this:


or this:


By default, the afpacket DAQ allocates 128MB for packet memory. You can change this with:

    --daq-var buffer_size_mb=<#MB>

Note that the total allocated is actually higher, here's why. Assuming the default packet memory with a snaplen of 1518, the numbers break down like this:

The frame size is 1518 (snaplen) + the size of the AFPacket header (66 bytes) = 1584 bytes.

The number of frames is 128 MB / 1518 = 84733.

The smallest block size that can fit at least one frame is 4 KB = 4096 bytes @ 2 frames per block.

As a result, we need 84733 / 2 = 42366 blocks.

Actual memory allocated is 42366 * 4 KB = 165.5 MB.

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Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08