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The Rule structure defines the basic outline of a rule and contains the same set of information that is seen in a text rule. That includes protocol, address and port information and rule information (classification, generator and signature IDs, revision, priority, classification, and a list of references). It also includes a list of rule options and an optional evaluation function.

#define RULE_MATCH 1
#define RULE_NOMATCH 0

typedef struct _Rule
    IPInfo ip;
    RuleInformation info;

    RuleOption **options; /* NULL terminated array of RuleOption union */

    ruleEvalFunc evalFunc;

    char initialized;     /* Rule Initialized, used internally */
    u_int32_t numOptions; /* Rule option count, used internally */
    char noAlert;         /* Flag with no alert, used internally */
    void *ruleData;    /* Hash table for dynamic data pointers */
} Rule;

The rule evaluation function is defined as

typedef int (*ruleEvalFunc)(void *);

where the parameter is a pointer to the SFSnortPacket structure.

Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08