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The DynamicEngineData structure defines the interface a detection engine uses to interact with snort itself. This includes functions for logging messages, errors, fatal errors, and debugging info as well as a means to register and check flowbits. It also includes a location to store rule-stubs for dynamic rules that are loaded, and it provides access to the normalized http and alternate data buffers. It is defined in sf_dynamic_engine.h as:

typedef struct _DynamicEngineData
    int version;
    u_int8_t *altBuffer;
    UriInfo *uriBuffers[MAX_URIINFOS];
    RegisterRule ruleRegister;
    RegisterBit flowbitRegister;
    CheckFlowbit flowbitCheck;
    DetectAsn1 asn1Detect;
    LogMsgFunc logMsg;
    LogMsgFunc errMsg;
    LogMsgFunc fatalMsg;
    char *dataDumpDirectory;

    GetPreprocRuleOptFuncs getPreprocOptFuncs;

    SetRuleData setRuleData;
    GetRuleData getRuleData;

    DebugMsgFunc debugMsg;
    DebugWideMsgFunc debugWideMsg;

    char **debugMsgFile;
    int *debugMsgLine;

    PCRECompileFunc pcreCompile;
    PCREStudyFunc pcreStudy;
    PCREExecFunc pcreExec;

} DynamicEngineData;

Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08