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This keyword is the reverse of isset. It returns true if isset is false, it returns false if isset is true. Isnotset works on the final result, not on individual bits.

   flowbits:isnoset, bits => Check whether not any bit is set
   flowbits:isnoset, bats => Check whether not all bits are set
   flowbits:isnoset, any, group => Check whether not bit in the group is set.
   flowbits:isnotset, all, group => Check whether not all bits in the group are set. 
   flowbits:isnotset, bit1|bit2 => If either bit1 or bit2 is set, return true
   flowbits:isnotset, bit1&bit2 => If both bit1 and bit2 are set, return true, otherwise false
   flowbits:isnotset, any, doc => If any bit in group doc is set, return true
   flowbits:isnotset, all, doc => If all the bits in doc group are set, return true

Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08