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The fast_pattern option can be used alone or optionally take arguments. When used alone, the meaning is simply to use the specified content as the fast pattern content for the rule.


The optional argument only can be used to specify that the content should only be used for the fast pattern matcher and should not be evaluated as a rule option. This is useful, for example, if a known content must be located in the payload independent of location in the payload, as it saves the time necessary to evaluate the rule option. Note that (1) the modified content must be case insensitive since patterns are inserted into the pattern matcher in a case insensitive manner, (2) negated contents cannot be used and (3) contents cannot have any positional modifiers such as offset, depth, distance or within.


The optional argument <offset>,<length> can be used to specify that only a portion of the content should be used for the fast pattern matcher. This is useful if the pattern is very long and only a portion of the pattern is necessary to satisfy "uniqueness" thus reducing the memory required to store the entire pattern in the fast pattern matcher.


Note:   The optional arguments only and <offset>,<length> are mutually exclusive.

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Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08