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output alert_csv: [<filename> [<format> [<limit>]]]
<format> ::= "default"|<list>
<list> ::= <field>(,<field>)*
<field> ::= "dst"|"src"|"ttl" ...
<limit> ::= <number>[('G'|'M'|K')]
- filename: the name of the log file. The default name is
logdir/alert.csv. You may specify "stdout" for terminal output. The name
may include an absolute or relative path.
- format: The list of formatting options is below. If the
formatting option is "default", the output is in the order of the formatting
options listed.
- timestamp
- sig_generator
- sig_id
- sig_rev
- msg
- proto
- src
- srcport
- dst
- dstport
- ethsrc
- ethdst
- ethlen
- tcpflags
- tcpseq
- tcpack
- tcplen
- tcpwindow
- ttl
- tos
- id
- dgmlen
- iplen
- icmptype
- icmpcode
- icmpid
- icmpseq
- limit: an optional limit on file size which defaults to 128 MB.
The minimum is 1 KB. See 2.6.10 for more information.
Eugene Misnik