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ports $\{ <$port$> [<$port$> <...>] \}$

This is how the user configures which ports to decode as telnet traffic. SSH tunnels cannot be decoded, so adding port 22 will only yield false positives. Typically port 23 will be included.


This option tells the preprocessor to normalize the telnet traffic by eliminating the telnet escape sequences. It functions similarly to its predecessor, the telnet_decode preprocessor. Rules written with 'raw' content options will ignore the normalized buffer that is created when this option is in use.

ayt_attack_thresh $<$ number $>$

This option causes the preprocessor to alert when the number of consecutive telnet Are You There (AYT) commands reaches the number specified. It is only applicable when the mode is stateful.


In order to support certain options, Telnet supports subnegotiation. Per the Telnet RFC, subnegotiation begins with SB (subnegotiation begin) and must end with an SE (subnegotiation end). However, certain implementations of Telnet servers will ignore the SB without a corresponding SE. This is anomalous behavior which could be an evasion case. Being that FTP uses the Telnet protocol on the control connection, it is also susceptible to this behavior. The detect_anomalies option enables alerting on Telnet SB without the corresponding SE.

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Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08