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Assuming that you did not disable static modules or change the default DAQ type, you can run Snort just as you always did for file readback or sniffing an interface. However, you can select and configure the DAQ when Snort is invoked as follows:

    ./snort \
        [--daq <type>] \
        [--daq-mode <mode>] \
        [--daq-dir <dir>] \
        [--daq-var <var>]

    config daq: <type>
    config daq_dir: <dir>
    config daq_var: <var>
    config daq_mode: <mode>

    <type> ::= pcap | afpacket | dump | nfq | ipq | ipfw
    <mode> ::= read-file | passive | inline
    <var> ::= arbitrary <name>=<value> passed to DAQ
    <dir> ::= path where to look for DAQ module so's

The DAQ type, mode, variable, and directory may be specified either via the command line or in the conf file. You may include as many variables and directories as needed by repeating the arg / config. DAQ type may be specified at most once in the conf and once on the command line; if configured in both places, the command line overrides the conf.

If the mode is not set explicitly, -Q will force it to inline, and if that hasn't been set, -r will force it to read-file, and if that hasn't been set, the mode defaults to passive. Also, -Q and -daq-mode inline are allowed, since there is no conflict, but -Q and any other DAQ mode will cause a fatal error at start-up.

Note that if Snort finds multiple versions of a given library, the most recent version is selected. This applies to static and dynamic versions of the same library.

    ./snort [--daq-list <dir>]

The above command searches the specified directory for DAQ modules and prints type, version, and attributes of each. This feature is not available in the conf.

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Eugene Misnik 2013-05-08